Purebred Jerseys New Zealand - Purebred Jersey Society (NZ)

Aims of the Society


  1. To maintain the purity of the breed.
  2.  We are specialists - preserving New Zealand's most profitable dairy cow.
  3. Promoting a balance approach to jersey breeding, emphasising production.
  4. To increase the average herd life of jersey cows in New Zealand through a higher standard of confirmation.
  5. Encourage genetic diversity and independence of breeding thought, among our members.


Enlarging on the Five Points

  1. There is a practical commercial reason why the Jersey Breed in its pure form is worth preserving which manifests itself in the NZ Ruakura Breed comparison trails where the Jersey cow proved the most profitable.
  2. There are farmers who milk cows with varying degrees of Jersey Blood and the Purebred Society respects their choice but only allows animals of Pure status to enter the Purebred Herd Book.
  3. Production is paramount however the Purebred Society also places great emphasising those other important traits that enable the Jersey cow to maintain her most profitable status.
  4. The average herd life of dairy cows in NZ is tending downwards. It has been proved the a high standard of Dairy form-confirmation-physical structure particularly udder traits is a major contributor to long working . It is pleasing that the Purebred Society's 33% emphasis on udder quality has been approved and matched by other Jersey farmers in New Zealand.
  5. Through the widespread use by NZ farmers of artificial breeding which includes an assessment of subsequent merit by mathematical rating system the genetic base of the breed has severely narrowed, which the Purebred Society thinks is short sighted. The future of the breed over the century's to come must have a broad genetic base to guarantee diversity of selection. The NZ Purebred Jersey Society follow their own wide based breeding programmes to ensure the ongoing superior input into mankinds welfare.



The Jersey Breed has its origins in the mists of time. The Breed in its Island home in the English Channel has been nutured and bred for extraordinary percentages of milk solids relative to the other Dairy Breeds and also an excellent standard of Dairy type.

The world over the last two hundred years has been populated with the humble Jersey Cow.The first Pedigree Jerseys set foot on New Zealand soil in 1862, and since 1886 to the present day, the purebred of jersey have been registered in a New Zealand Herd Book.

In the mid 1980's concerned was raised over the increase of cross breeding and in 1998 a new society emerged from the old-the ‘Purebred Jersey Breed Society' whose membership contained many of the most respected and capable breeders. These members encourage genetic diversity and independence of breeding thoughts, and like the counterpart on the Island of Jersey proudly protect their purity heritage of bloodlines.

With changing times in the concept of animal breeding the Purebred Jersey Breeders Society saw reason to step forward and guard the Purity of the Breed and preserve the great cow Families and Bloodlines so cleverly constructed by our Pioneer Breeders.

Yes the Purebred Jersey Breeders Society only caters for PUREBRED REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE.

All animals Registered and entered in the Society's Herd Book have a fully recorded Ancestry of Purebred Jersey Heritage.


CP and SD cows

CP - Commended for Progency - must have at least two VHC Daughters.
SD - Superior Dam - must have two sons that have sired 10 VHC daughters each.

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Purebred Jerseys New Zealand - Purebred Jersey Society (NZ)

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